
Money and fame are not the result of genius, hard work or luck…

Contrary to popular belief, external success is not deserved. It is also not caused by faux-virtuous acts such as determination, hustle, pulling yourself up by your bootstraps, trying harder, or doing better. If you pride yourself on your penchant for drudgery and donkeywork this is upsetting, but for the rest of us it confirms a nagging suspicion.

Thanks to Behavioral Physics* wealth and popularity have been demystified as symptoms of an identifiable and imitable behavior pattern commonly referred to as “Selling Out”.

In previous studies, creative types (artists, musicians, poets, thespians, etc.) benefit the most, but the power of Behavioral Physics is by no means limited to one personality type or vocation. If you choose to participate in #SELLOUT, it is important to know that it is not educational material; it is a live, social experiment to collect data on the personal gains associated with Behavioral Physics.