You don’t get what you want from thinking - you get from doing.

It doesn’t matter that your choices stem from thought, actions themselves are what produces results.

It’s obvious that whatever you desire, or want but don’t have, won’t be gotten by doing more of whatever you’ve been doing. So to get something you want, you must do things you haven’t or wouldn’t.

Remember, no one is forcing you to need anything.

And your desires don’t require or even deserve to be fulfilled.

They are yours to do what you want with.

You can judge and reject them, or you can make what you desire your life (these people are called “artists”)

So if you choose to pursue what you want, know that it is for no one but you.

Our thoughts (ideas, ideals, judgments, values, beliefs…) motivate our actions.

So these ideals and beliefs are what got us to where we are today, and so of course they are also what keeps us from getting what we want that we don’t already have.

Artists suffer from this reality more than anyone.

Since artists act from the heart, they can’t (or won’t) do anything they don’t support, don’t believe in, disapprove of or disagree with. This makes life for the artist very hard indeed, much harder than for most others who are less idealistic and more flexible with their values.

Artists identify with their occupation, more deeply than a laborer or money maker, on average

It’s the nature of the choice. To forgo anything society has to offer in pursuit of your passion is not something you do if it doesn’t feel like who you are.

The problem the artist runs into is when what you do is who you are, then whatever actions you choose to do or not do, is everything; all that matters 

But if you’re not defined by what you do, you’re free to do anything without affecting who you are

Only those who don’t know who they are, must abide by specific actions and avoid others, because actions define them. In this case one must be careful to never do or say anything they don’t like, believe or agree with, or they might become, or be seen as what they aren’t.

Beliefs are a way to justify and avoid embarrassment over importance of self image

Because if all you can do is only what supports your beliefs, then you are a prisoner of your own self image. And nothing is more painful for an artist, a person who follows their passion, than to realize just how much others' opinions and judgements affect and influence them. 

How can a person call themselves an artist, when they are unwilling to play with, experiment on or challenge in the slightest their own nature and self image? 

Everyone knows the popular misquote that “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”.

Well then, anything we repeatedly do while hoping for different results would be insane.

So believing the same things, but expecting different results is also insane

Or being yourself, but hoping different results come is insane

Clearly the trick to achieving desires, is to think and do in a way that is not “you”

This is why selling out = success

The reason this information is for artists specifically, is because they are the only ones who are still able to sellout, or compromise their beliefs for personal gain such as money or attention.

Pia Silva