Copy of Copy of MANIFESTO

I. The Law of Selling Out: Don’t believe anything. Not even this.

II. The Law of Many Truths: Yes, there is an objective reality (Truth 1), but it can only be experienced by the individual, and since all human experience is subjective (Truths 2 — 7,500,000,000) we can never accurately express reality, and it is of no use to try. It is a trap to believe that Truth 1 (objective reality) or Truth 2 (an individual, personal experience of Truth 1) are any more real, better or worse than the others. Respect all truths as possible, just as you deserve your right to believe as you do.

III. The Law of Non-Sense: No-thing is what it seems. Every-thing is an expression of an individual’s subjective perception of objective reality (Truth 1). Non-sense accepts every-thing as a possibility, but accepts no-thing as what it claims to be. Viewing all-things with skepticism without becoming a cynic or drinking one’s own Kool-aid, as it were, is the whole of the Law of Non-sense.

IV. The Law of Amorality: Good/Bad, Right/Wrong exist in objective reality (Truth 1). However, since it can only be experienced by the individual subjectively, whenever we encounter moral codes in the world they will always be a personal expression of an individual’s or a groups collective opinion or experience of Truth 1. All individuals have a unique moral code, even those in an ideological group or faction, because decisions concerning values are always subject to circumstance and survival. We all believe we have a moral code until there’s a good enough reason to ignore or amend it, so stop pretending your ideas of right and wrong are real or important, they are only an expression of your self.

VI. The Law of Individuality: The more followers an idea-ological group accumulates, the more wrong it will become. The older and larger a group becomes, the farther they will have gotten away from the founding individual’s expression of their experience of Truth. The Mob’s goal is to make their Truth (a personal view of reality) and the first Truth (objective reality) one in the same through acceptance or force. This is because the more individuals that believe an idea, the more powerful that group becomes. Unfortunately, the more power any faction has, the more dogma and prejudice it requires to perpetuate it’s power. Groups that don’t accumulate power don’t last and thusly don’t exist. In this sense a #SELLOUT is a psychological freedom fighter, a mental revolutionary in the war to capture minds. Never believe you are living your life the right way — you are only either living it your way, or someone else’s.

VII. The Path of Belief-ing: Paradox is the opposite of prejudice. One cannot progress or succeed without starting somewhere, and since there is nothing original other than the Origin(al) all creation henceforth is a copy or “inspiration”, however everything is unique, or remix if you will. The human animal cannot thrive or survive devoid of belief(s), as they would be paralyzed of all choice or action. Beliefs are one of life’s necessary evils to be treated with a hate-respect, so they only facilitate and never inhibit movement towards personal truth and freedom. The #SELLOUT uses beliefs like a tool, never confusing their identity with it. Like wet cement they never let it set or harden by constantly stirring it up, keeping possibility and opportunity alive. Set beliefs are dead and can only produce what they already have in the past, so if you want something you do not have, your beliefs are why. The more fixed your beliefs are (limited), the more prejudice it requires to maintain them, but the more personal and fluid they are, the more the world opens up with possibility (opportunities). Never believe, and keep on Belief-ing.

VIII. The Law of WHY: Why #SELLOUT? Why do you believe the things you believe now? What authority, other than you or who you believe validates them?. What have they actually done for you, or for others? Are you even following them? #SELLOUT exists to remove the limiting aspect of beliefs which is the obstacle to all forms of success, personal or collective. This is so individuals can experience more possibility, opportunity and freedom in their life and in the world. #SELLOUT is not right, good or valuable. It just is. If you make use of it, if you learn something, if you feel inspired, motivated or achieve anything from it, then you are responsible for those accomplishments. These and any future positive experiences, feelings or actions would be incorporated into your personal truth, your why…